Rugby World Cup 2019: A Boon for Wine Education

As the Rugby World Cup playoffs begin and continue over the long weekend, very appropriately under the threat of typhoon conditions, it is a great pleasure to see how much interest in South Africa, and also in South African wines and other products, this event has heralded.

We’ve witnessed an increased interest in South African wines, seen various establishments open that specialize in South African wines and alcohol, and generally a far higher appreciation of what South Africa has to offer than previously. All this is both good for business, cultural exchange, and an inestimable contribution to making Japan as a whole less insular and conceited in its supposed uniqueness, thus making it overall a more pleasant place to live, visit, and interact with on every level.

Here we see some posters for the World Cup in Chōfu city, at whose stadium one of the matches will be held.

In preparation for hosting the event, proactive education about the World Cup has elevated the consciousness of the average Japanese schoolchild, not to mention the general population, about all the participant countries. From national anthems to basic language and cultural awareness, this awareness should go a long way to accepting the huge influx of Rugby tourists and their boisterous partying; in fact, an excellent practice for and a prelude to the vastly more hectic Olympics in 2020.

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