Notice regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation

Last updated: 2020-03-07

Wine appreciation and business as a rule involves the interaction with and meeting between people, often in an international setting. This social aspect is one of the best things about the enjoyment of wine. However, in light of the rapidly-developing new coronavirus situation both in Japan and worldwide, we will enact a few new policies to reduce risks and ensure proper hygiene etiquette across our activities.

  1. If you are experiencing any flu-like symptoms (cough, fever, body aches, etc.) we ask that you refrain from visiting our premises, or from attending any wine tasting events until you have fully recovered.
  2. Try to make your purchases online. We will be more than happy to assist via email, telephone, Facebook chat, Twitter or other internet medium in order to meet your requirements. Please watch our site for specials announcements to ease purchasing even further in this difficult situation.
  3. Everyone should practice good hygiene etiquette, including gargling, washing or disinfecting your hands regularly, with particular emphasis on before and after meeting people outside the home.

Note that both masks and disinfectant alcohol liquids are currently out of stock at pharmacies and shops across Japan. The onset of the pollen season as exacerbated the situation.

Local activities such as wine tasting events and trade shows have been temporarily put on hold. Please watch our site for announcements and updates.

Update 2020-03-06: The TELL Wine Auction 2020 on 13th March has been cancelled.

All overseas activities such as workshop and trade show attendance have been cancelled until further notice.

Please note that we will continually monitor the situation and may revise these policies, and update information appropriately.

Yours in wine,
Akika Tani, Gernot Hassenpflug
Protea Wines Japan

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